
Recruitment of football and basketball team members!

大學生活多姿多采, 大家除了努力讀書之外, 不妨考慮參加不同活動充實自己。
假如你喜愛球類運動, 化學學會籃球隊與足球隊誠邀你加入我們。每個月不定時有練習及友誼賽, 讓大家於球場上互相較勁。

如有疑問, 歡迎致電 康樂及體育秘書周國熙 (6655 0235)

Want to have a fruitful U-life? Why not join different activities to enrich yourself!
Chemistry Society, SS, HKUSU invites you to join our football and basketball teams! We will have practices and friendly matches regularly so please don't hesitate to join us!

If you have any inquiries, please contact Social and Sports Secretary Anson Chau (6655 0235) for more information.


hku chem orientation ocamp

hku chem orientation ocamp